Heilbronn Quantum Algorithms Day 2015

13 Apr 2015, by cathhoward in Events

13 April 2015, 11.00 AM – 15 April 2015, 3.30 PM
Simon Benjamin (Oxford) Dominic Berry (Macquarie University) David Gosset (CalTech) Dan Shepherd (CESG) Krysta Svore (Microsoft research, Seattle) David Tew (Bristol) Andris Ambainis (University of Latvia)
Engineer’s House, The Promenade, Bristol, BS8 3NB

This is an exciting time to be studying quantum algorithms. As the technological challenges of building a quantum computer continue to be met there is still much to learn about the power of quantum computing. Which problems could a quantum computer solve faster than a classical device? and which problems remain hard? What will be the killer application that incentives industrial investment?

Continuing the popular series of Heilbronn quantum algorithm meetings, we showcase recent highlights in the field. We have two days (13th and 14th April 2015) of outstanding speakers invited from around the world to talk about their recent work. As in previous meetings (November 2013 and April 2013), we expect the discussions to be lively and informative!

Simon Benjamin (Oxford)
Dominic Berry (Macquarie University)
David Gosset (CalTech)
Dan Shepherd (CESG)
Krysta Svore (Microsoft research, Seattle)
David Tew (Bristol)
Andris Ambainis (University of Latvia)


Andris Ambainis – What is the biggest possible gap between quantum and classical computing?

Dominic Berry – Advances in quantum algorithms for Hamiltonian simulation

Dan Shepherd – SOLILOQUY and cyclic structure in lattice cryptography

David Gosset – The Bose-Hubbard model is QMA-complete

David Tew – Quantum Chemistry Algorithms: Classical vs Quantum

Simon Benjamin – What will we do with “Q20:20”, a 400 qubit engine?

Remaining titles TBC

There is no conference fee but we do ask that people register so we can provide catering for everyone.


We are also able to offer travel support to UK based PhD students who are unable to find funding from their home institutions (Please email Fran Blake at heilbronn-coordinator@bristol.ac.uk if you wish to apply for travel support).

Engineer’s House, Bristol

This event is supported by the Heilbronn Institute and EPSRC.

Missed the Conference? 

You can still view some of the talks here:

andris-ambainis-talk (PDF, 939kB)

danshepherd-talk (PDF, 170kB)

davidgosset-talk (PDF, 900kB)

davidtew-talk (PDF, 4,430kB)

dominicberry-talk (PDF, 3,350kB)