London-Paris Number Theory Workshop

09 Nov 2015, by cathhoward in Sponsored events

9 November 2015

The 19th meeting of the London-Paris Number Theory Seminar will take place in Paris, on 9th November 2015, at Paris 13.

It will be at Amphitheater D, Institut Galilée, Université Paris 13 (see number 8 on the map here).

Coffee at 10h15
First talk at 10h30
Second talk at 11h45
Lunch around 13h
Last talk: 14h30, end around 15h45.

The speakers will be:
P. Colmez : Faltings’ height and Galois orbit of CM abelian varieties (Hauteur de Faltings et orbite galoisienne des variétés abéliennes à multiplication complexe)
A. Yafaev : Overview of the André-Oort conjecture
F. Andreatta : Sketch of proof