Extrema of Logarithmically Correlated Processes, Characteristic Polynomials, and the Riemann zeta Function

14 Dec 2015, by cathhoward in Events

Monday 9 May 2016 – Friday 13 May 2016 

Venue: NSQI Seminar Room, G05, Ground Floor, The Bristol Centre for Nanoscience and Quantum Information (NSQI), Tyndall Avenue, Bristol BS8 1FD

Sponsored by: Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Research

Attendance by invitation only

| Background Programme | Slides Workshop Dinner | Where To Eat | Accommodation |

Aim: To bring together experts in fields of log-correlated fields, random matrix theory, and number theory to collectively improve our understanding of extreme values of logarithmically correlated random fields and processes and their applications. It will consist of a number of talks (both overview and specialised) with plenty of time between them meant for research collaboration between participants.

Structure of the Workshop: The first two days of the workshop will concentrate on the probabilistic viewpoints on log-correlated processes and their maxima, with the middle third of the week centering around freezing phenomena as well as on log-correlations within the random matrix theory context. The final sessions of the conference consider conjectural extrema in number theory.


Ardavan Afshar, UCL, UK
Emma Bailey, Bristol, UK
David Belius, Courant, US
Nathanael Berestycki, Cambridge, UK
Jonathan Bober, Bristol, UK
Paul Bourgade, Courant, US
Ian Cooper, Bristol, UK
Pierre Le Doussal, ENS, France
Yan Fyodorov, QMUL, UK  (Organiser)
Sven Gnutzmann, Nottingham, UK
Tamara Grava, Bristol, UK
Adam Harper, Cambridge, UK
Christopher Hughes, York, UK  (Organiser)
Jon Keating, Bristol, UK
Boris Khoruzhenko, QMUL, UK
Igor Krasovsky, Imperial College, UK
Francis Lane, Bath, UK

Anna Lytova, Edmonton , Canada
Anna Maltsev, Bristol, UK
Francesco Mezzadri, Bristol, UK
Joseph Najnudel, Toulouse, France
Ashkan Nikeghbali
, Zurich, Switzerland
Neil O’Connell, Warwick, UK
Dmitry Ostrovsky, Yale, US
Elliot Paquette, Weizmann Inst, Israel
Alexi Reynolds, Bristol, UK
Rémi Rhodes, Univ. of Paris, France
Alberto Rosso, Paris Sud, France
Eero Saksman, Helsinki, Finland
Marius Schmidt,  Frankfurt, Germany
Nick Simm, Warwick, UK
Nina Snaith, Bristol, UK
Christian Webb, Helsinki, Finland (Organiser)
Ofer Zeitouni, Weizmann Inst, Israel

Contact information

Yan. V. Fyodorov, Queen Mary University of London, UK
Christopher Hughes, The University of York, UK
Christian Webb, Aalto University, Finland