Heilbronn Day: Background Workshop on Multiple Zeta Values, Modular Forms & Elliptic Motives

26 Feb 2016, by ablahatherell in Events

Organisers: Herbert Gangl, Richard Hain, Owen Patashnick

Unsure what a modular form is? Never heard of a multiple zeta value? Not to worry!
In conjunction with the Heilbronn Institute Workshop on Multiple Zeta Values, Modular Forms, and Elliptic Motives (May 3-6), the Heilbronn Institute is also offering a 1-day background workshop on Monday May 2. This workshop is geared toward the graduate student and researchers not already expert in the specifics of the conference. The day will consist of survey talks and basic expositions of prior results, with time for questions and more in-depth discussion. It is hoped that after attending the Heilbronn Day workshop, attendees will feel comfortable attending the weeklong conference.
The 1-day workshop is to be held at Howard House, University of Bristol. Registration for the 1-day workshop is £15, but space is limited, and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Workshop speakers include:
L Schneps (Introduction to multiple zeta values)
H Gangl (Double zeta values, period polynomials and modular forms)
H Nakamura (An introduction to moduli spaces related to elliptic curves)
A Scholl (Motives from modular forms)
R Hain (Hodge extensions, Galois extensions and unipotent completions)

There may be limited funds to offset costs for UK-based graduate students and beginning researchers. Interested attendees should indicate interest on their application form.
Further information for both events and application forms are available at: http://www.maths.bris.ac.uk/events/meetings/meeting/index.php?meeting_id=67