Heilbronn Workshop on String Theory and Arithmetic Geometry
26 Feb 2016, by Events inOrganisers: Owen Patashnick and Oliver Gray
The aim of this Heilbronn workshop is to bring together people interested in motivic descriptions of physical ideas with those interested in symmetries and dualities of high-energy physics from an algebraic perspective.
While we are interested in exploring the use of derived categories in both motive-like pursuits and their appearance in particle and string theories, we hope to emphasize the computational aspects of these areas so as to have as many concrete examples as possible.
We plan to have a mix of talks and (directed) informal brainstorming sessions to continue bridging the gap between physicists and mathematicians.
The conference will be held at the University of Bristol during the week of the 3rd – 7th September 2012. The registration deadline is 22nd August.
To register please download and complete the registration form provided. There will be limited funding available to young researchers. Please request funding when registering.
Applications are invited for a limited number of contributed talks. Please send a title and abstract to the organisers (oliver.gray@bristol.ac.uk or o.patashnick@bristol.ac.uk) by the registration deadline.
Invited Speakers include
– David Broadhurst (Open University)
– Nils Carqueville (LMU/Bonn)
– Miranda Cheng (IMJ Paris)
– Herbert Gangl (Durham University)
– John Gracey (University of Liverpool)
– Dirk Kreimer (Humboldt University, Berlin)
– Steve Lichtenbaum (Brown University)
– Katarzyna Rejzner (University of Rome Tor Vergata)
– Daniel Roggenkamp (Heidelberg University)
– Ingo Runkel (University of Hamburg)
– Ed Segal (Imperial College London)
– Emanuel Scheidegger (University of Freiburg)
– Matt Szczesny (Boston University)
– Balazs Szendroi (Oxford)
– Katrin Wendland (University of Freiburg)
– Raphael Zayadeh (University of Mainz)