SAGE Days 6

26 Feb 2016, by ablahatherell in Events

Organisers: John Cremona (University of Warwick, visiting Bristol), William Stein (University of Washington, Seattle USA), Martin Albrecht (Royal Holloway, University of London)

The goals of the meeting are as follows:

(1) To bring together mathematicians and computer scientists in the UK interested in the development of open mathematical software, particularly for research in number theory and algebra;
(2) To serve as a showcase for the SAGE system and demonstrate how it can be a useful research tool for mathematicians;
(3) To bring together existing and new SAGE developers in Europe to work together on some specific new developments in SAGE.

On Saturday and Sunday we will have numerous invited lectures from people working in various areas of Computer Algebra and Computational Number Theory, with some emphasis on Cryptography, as well as some presentations to showcase the SAGE system (see, the Open Source Mathematical Software system developed since 2005 by William Stein and many others.

Please use the registration form below if you wish to attend for the weekend meeting.
From Monday to Wednesday the second part of the programme will bring together existing SAGE developers and those interested in contributing to the project, and will take the form of informal hands-on development sessions (and coding sprints). Because of constraints on attendee numbers this part of the workshop will be by invitation only. If you are interested in attending please contact the organisers as soon as possible