Workshop on Multiple Zeta Values, Modular Forms and Elliptic Motives

26 Feb 2016, by ablahatherell in Events

Organisers: Herbert Gangl, Richard Hain, Owen Patashnick

The goal of this conference is to explore connections between multiple zeta values and elliptic modular forms, and also connections between their l-adic and motivic analogues.

In conjunction with the conference the Heilbronn Institute is also offering a one-day background workshop on Monday 2 May. This workshop is geared towards the graduate student and researchers not already expert in the specifics of the conference. For more information about this day please click on

Please upload the further information to read more about both events and upload the registration form to register your interest.

Conference Speakers Include:
D. Broadhurst (Open University), F. Brown (Jussieu), B. Enriquez (Strasbourg), G. Felder (ETH Zurich), M. Kaneko (Kyushu), A. Levin (Max Planck Institute) H. Nakamura (Okayama), L. Schneps (Jussieu), T. Terasoma (Tokyo), D. Zagier (Bonn, Paris).