Young Researchers in Mathematics 2012
26 Feb 2016, by Sponsored events in2 – 4 April 2012
Organisers: Thomas Bloom and Jo Dwyer
Early registration deadline: 16 January 2012
The Young Researchers in Mathematics Conference is an annual event that aims to involve post-graduate and post-doctoral students at every level. It is a chance to meet and discuss research and ideas with other students from across the country. The conference spans a wide variety of disciplines arranged into tracks, each of which includes a keynote speaker and contributed talks by young researchers. There will also be plenary lectures of interest to the entire audience. For a full list of tracks and keynote speakers, please visit the conference website.
Main Speakers
Viviane Baladi (Ecole normale superieure)
Gui-Qiang Chen (Oxford)
Dimitris Drikakis (Cranfield)
Henryk Iwaniec (Rutgers)
Jon Keating (Bristol)
Wilfrid Kendall (Warwick)
Frances Kirwan (Oxford)
Angus MacIntyre (Queen Mary)
Renato Renner (ETH Zurich)
Jan Saxl (Cambridge)
Reidun Twarock (York)
Julia Wolf (Ecole Polytechnique)
Mark Davis (Imperial)
Andrew Hodges (Oxford)