Developments in Modern Probability

26 May 2016, by ablahatherell in Sponsored events

6-10 July 2015
Oxford University

The aim of this research school is to provide training and preparation for young researchers, many of whom will be attending SPA2015 the following week.  The subjects of the courses represent some of the most exciting areas of current research in probability and have been chosen to tie in with a subset of the plenary lectures for SPA.  The three main lecture course topics are:

•   Two-dimensional Liouville quantum gravity and the Gaussian free field (Nathanael Berestycki, Cambridge)
•   Random matrices and PDEs (Paul Bourgade, Courant)
•   Integrable probability and the KPZ universality classes (Ivan Corwin, CMI, Columbia, IHP)

Organizers:  Dmitry Balyaev (Oxford), Christina Goldschmidt (Oxford), Alison Etheridge (Oxford), Ben Hambly (Oxford)

More information at