Christopher Hooley and the Artin Conjecture: 50 Years On
24 Nov 2016, by Events inA celebration of the 50th anniversary of Christopher Hooley’s research on the Artin Conjecture
1 September 2017
Lecture Theatre SM2, School of Mathematics, University of Bristol, UK
Jonathan Bober (Bristol)
Alina Cojocaru, University of Illinois at Chicago
Primes, elliptic curves and cyclic groups
Roger Heath-Brown, University of Oxford
Some of my other favourite papers by Christopher Hooley
Christopher Hooley, Bristol University
Recollections [Read Hooley’s notes]
Pieter Moree, Max-Planck Institut
Hooley’s theorem and it’s avatars
Ram Murty, Queen’s University
The parity problem, Artin’s conjecture and related questions