PROMYS Europe 2018: Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists
20 Sep 2018, by Sponsored events inThe Heilbronn Institute was pleased to support the PROMYS Europe Summer School, now in its fourth year, at Oxford.
This is a summer school for highly talented, pre-university students specialising in mathematics. 2018 PROMYS Europe welcomed 27 school-aged students and 8 undergraduate counsellors to Oxford. The exceptionally enthusiastic participants came from across Europe for six weeks of intensive mathematics, solving problems and engaging in research projects. The goal is to provide young mathematicians with the deep experience of mathematical discovery. They also enjoyed guest lectures on a variety of topics from Andrew Granville, Konstanze Rietsch, Andrew Wiles and Julia Wolf.
PROMYS Europe is led by Professor Glenn Stevens and is organised by the Clay Mathematics Institute together with Wadham College and the Mathematical Institute at Oxford.