Y-RANT: Young Researchers in Algebraic Number Theory 2019

21 Apr 2019, by ablahatherell in Sponsored events

6 – 8 November 2019

University of Warwick, UK

Y-RANT is an annual conference aimed at young researchers (PhD students and postdocs) working in or interested in algebraic number theory, analytic number theory and related topics. Y-RANT is a great chance to meet other students from across the country and discuss research and ideas with them. It is also a good opportunity to explain your research work to other young researchers.

All participants who wish to are highly encouraged to give a talk, either on your own research, or an overview of a topic you’re interested in. The format of the talk is 30 minutes (questions included). In addition, there will be three keynote talks.

Keynote Speakers

Jack Thorne (Cambridge)
Lynne Walling (Bristol)
Sarah Zerbes (UCL)

Alessandro Arlandini (Warwick)
Mattia Sanna (Warwick)

More information on the conference website

First Edition of Y-RANT I – 2018, Sheffield