Data Science Seminar: Exploring Relationships and Predicting Mechanisms within the Human Phenome

05 Dec 2019, by franblake in Events

Wednesday 11 December 2019 at 15:30
G.09 The Fry Building, The Heilbronn Institute

Speaker: Benjamin Elsworth, Research Fellow in Bioinformatics and Causal Inference, Bristol Medical School, University of Bristol.

We have been working on methods to create, explore and analyse biomedical data associated with the human phenome.

We are now bringing them all together to help understand complex relationships and predict the mechanisms that control them.

To do this we are employing numerous strategies, including:

• Using natural language processing and sentence embedding to understand how the variables within the phenome are connected.

• Comparing graphs/matrices to identify differences/similarities between overlapping sources of data.

• Inferring mechanisms using semantic data from literature and knowledge graphs.

This will be a presentation as much about data engineering as data science itself. I will discuss the hardware/software we use, including APIs, Neo4j , Elasticsearch, cloud computing but will also demonstrate that only by looking at all the data simultaneously, can we improve our understanding of how things are truly related.

In cooperation with the Jean Golding Institute, University of Bristol

The Jean Golding Institute has teamed up with the Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Research to showcase the latest research in Data Science – methodology with roots in Mathematics and Computer Science with important applied implications..