QCTIP 2020: Quantum Computing Theory in Practice
06 Dec 2019, by Sponsored events inPlease note that due to the outbreak of COVID-19, Quantum Computing Theory in Practice 2020 will be a fully virtual event. Conference participants will likely be communicating via Slack and talks will be held via a Zoom Webinar. There will be a virtual poster session and a virtual hardware panel.
Visit the official conference website here.
6 April 2020 – 8 April 2020
Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge
Next year’s Quantum Computing Theory in Practice Conference 2020 will take place in Cambridge.
After decades of research, we are finally getting closer to unlocking the power of quantum computing. With recent developments in quantum hardware and software, quantum computations that are of real-world relevance, for example in computational chemistry, seem to be within reach. However, a lot of theoretical groundwork has yet to be done to reach these ambitious goals.
Continuing the previous series of Heilbronn quantum algorithms meetings (2010-2019) hosted in Bristol and Cambridge, QCTIP fosters discussion between theorists and practitioners of quantum computing. With keynote speakers, a series of invited talks from academia and industry, poster sessions and panels, we will take stock of the newest developments in the field and map future developments. Riverlane is proud to be hosting the conference.
The first theme of the conference is the theory of the whole quantum software stack – from quantum algorithms to quantum programming languages to quantum computing architectures. Second, we will discuss practical aspects of running experiments on current and NISQ devices. As a third future-looking theme, we want to touch on roads to scaling up to more and higher quality qubits and the path to bringing down hardware requirements for quantum computations.
Organising Committee: Steve Brierley (Riverlane), Noah Linden (University of Bristol), Ashley Montanaro (University of Bristol), Leonie Mueck (Riverlane)
Important dates
- Submission deadline: 17 January 2020, 23:59 (Anywhere on Earth)
- Notification: 14 February 2020
- Registration deadline: 13 March 2020
Keynote Speaker
Barbara Terhal, TU Delft
Invited Speakers
- Stefanie Barz, University of Stuttgart
- Simon Benjamin, University of Oxford
- Joseph Emerson, University of Waterloo
- Craig Gidney, Google
- Mario Szegedy, Alibaba
- Kristan Temme, IBM Research
More invited speakers will be announced soon.
To register, please go to the registration form here.
We encourage all attendees to submit a poster or a contributed talk. You will need to submit details of poster submissions when completing the registration form. Contributed talks must be submitted online.
Costs: The registration fee is £60 which includes lunches and coffee. Participation in the conference dinner is £20. You will be asked to pay at the end of the registration form.
Financial assistance: In the registration form, UK-based PhD students can apply for financial assistance to cover travel costs. In addition, limited funds are available to support students and postdocs from abroad and people with any additional requirements such as childcare or accessibility needs. If you would like to apply for financial support, please indicate this in the registration form.
Please note that in the event of oversubscription, we reserve the right to prioritise attendance to those who choose to submit a talk or a poster.
Please contact Amy Flower (amy.flower@riverlane.io) with any queries.