PAD 2022: Probability, Analysis and Dynamics

10 Dec 2019, by franblake in Events

PAD 2022

Probability, Analysis and Dynamics

6 – 8 April 2022

School of Mathematics, University of Bristol, UK

Part of the Fry Conference Series


Marton Balázs (Bristol)
Edward Crane (Bristol)
Asma Hassannezhad (Bristol)
Kevin Hughes (Bristol)
Thomas Jordan (Bristol)
John Mackay (Bristol)
Bálint Tóth (Bristol/ Budapest)

Speakers: (* Online)

*David Aldous (Berkeley)
*Keith Ball (Warwick)
*Anthony Carbery (Edinburgh)
*Anna Erschler (ENS Paris)
*Charles Fefferman (Princeton)
*Alessio Figalli (ETH  Zürich)
*Maarit Järvenpää (Oulu)
Wilfrid Kendall (Warwick)
Carlangelo Liverani (Roma Tor Vergata)
*Gaven Martin, Massey (New Zealand)
*Boris Solomyak (Bar-Ilan)
*Gwyneth Stallard (Open University)
*Karl-Theodor Sturm (Bonn)
Michiel van den Berg (Bristol)
*Monica Visan (UCLA)
*Benjamin Weiss (Jerusalem)

More information on the conference website

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