Hypocoercivity Workshop

04 Feb 2020, by franblake in Sponsored events

3 – 4 March 2020

School of Mathematics, University of Bristol, UK

Hypocoercivity is concerned with the characterisation of convergence to equilibrium of semi-groups acting on a L^2 space whose generators are degenerate i.e. admit a non-trivial kernel. In such scenarios classical Hilbert space techniques cannot be used to establish e.g. exponential convergence to equilibrium and new approaches are needed. Such questions arise naturally in the context
of statistical physics and the study of associated PDEs and novel solutions, typically relying on a modification of the inner product  involved, have emerged in the last 10-15 years. These ideas have  recently attracted some attention in the context of the study of  Markov processes arising in computational statistics, in  particular Langevin dynamics and piecewise deterministic   Markov processes (PDMP).

The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers from different communities with an interest in hypocoercivity ideas and  techniques at a time where they find their way into new application areas, leading to new questions and challenges.

Download the Programme in pdf


Pierre Monmarché
Martin Grothaus
Daniel Paulin
Andreas Eberle
Gabriel Stoltz
Anton Arnold
Emeric Bouin
Angeliki Menegaki

For more information please contact heilbronn-coordinator@bristol.ac.uk