The Unity of Mathematics: A Conference in honour of Sir Michael Atiyah

17 May 2021, by ablahatherell in Sponsored events

21 – 23 September 2021

Sir Michael Atiyah (1929 – 2019) was the dominant figure in UK mathematics for many decades.  Amongst his many distinguished positions, he was the founding Director of the Isaac Newton Institute (1990 – 1996). He was also President of the London Mathematical Society (1974 – 1976). In his Presidential Address “The Unity of Mathematics”,  delivered on 19 November 1976,  he remarked:   “The aspect of mathematics which fascinates me most is the rich interaction between its different branches, the unexpected links, the surprises…”. Those who knew him will know that this fascination was an ongoing theme throughout his life.

Due to the pandemic, this will be a hybrid meeting based in the Isaac Newton Institute, with both face-to-face and online participants.

Funding is available to assist participation, especially for early career researchers.

To register please visit the conference website here.


José Figueroa-O’Farrill (Edinburgh, Lead)
Laura Schaposnik (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Caroline Series (Warwick and LMS President 2017-19)
Ivan Smith (Cambridge)
Paul Sutcliffe (Durham)
Henry Wilton (Cambridge)