MSRI Summer Graduate School: Metric Geometry and Geometric Analysis
17 May 2021, by Sponsored events in11 – 22 July 2022
Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, UK
The purpose of the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI) Summer Graduate School is to introduce graduate students to key mainstream directions in the recent development of geometry, which sprang from Riemannian Geometry in an attempt to use its methods in various contexts of non-smooth geometry. This concerns recent developments in metric generalisations of the theory of nonpositively curved spaces and discretisations of methods in geometry, geometric measure theory and global analysis. The metric geometry perspective gave rise to new results and problems in Riemannian Geometry as well.
Cornelia Drutu (Oxford)
Panos Papazoglou (Oxford)
Bruce Kleiner (New York)
Urs Lang (ETH Zürich)
Regina Rotman (Toronto)
Mladen Bestvina (Utah)
More information on the summer school website