Fourier Analysis @200

14 Jun 2021, by ablahatherell in Sponsored events

27 June 2022 – 1 July 2022
Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

Hosted by the International Centre for Mathematical Sciences (ICMS) in Edinburgh

This workshop marks the bicentennial of the publication of Fourier’s Théorie analytique de la chaleur, a seminal scientific work which has had a profound impact on the modern world. In this treatise Fourier famously introduced the series decomposition which now bears his name. Over the intervening two hundred years, Fourier’s ideas have played a fundamental role in science and engineering, whilst the mathematical questions which arose from his work, and the need to place the theory on a rigorous foundation, dominated much of nineteenth and twentieth century mathematical analysis.

The workshop will also celebrate the contributions of Professor James Wright (Edinburgh) to modern harmonic analysis, which include numerous and highly significant results on the theory of Fourier multipliers, oscillatory integrals and interactions between harmonic analysis and number theory.

The workshop will bring together experts in the field of harmonic analysis and related areas from across the globe. There will also be a particular emphasis on supporting young participants, especially women and those from minority groups, with a notable body of junior speakers at the postdoctoral level.


Neal Bez (Saitama University, Japan)
Aline Bonami (University of Orléans, France)
Michael Cowling (University of New South Wales, Australia)
Spyros Dendrinos (University of Cork, Ireland)
Jonathan Hickman (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Betsy Stovall (University of Wisconsin, Madison, US)

More information on the workshop website