Congratulations to Emma Bailey
24 Jun 2021, by News in
Congratulations to Emma Bailey, Heilbronn Fellow at Bristol, who will be starting a Viterbi Endowed Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI) Programme on Universality and Integrability in Random Matrix Theory and Interacting Particle Systems, to be held in California in August this year. Following the MSRI programme, Emma will begin a Postdoctoral Fellowship at City University of New York (CUNY) in early 2022.
Emma’s research interests are in random matrix theory and its connections with number theory, probability, and combinatorics. She joined the Heilbronn Institute in July 2020 after completing her PhD at the University of Bristol under the supervision of Jon Keating. Her PhD was titled ‘Generalized moments of characteristic polynomials of random matrices’. Emma’s recent paper (with Jon Keating) on the moments of the moments of ζ(1/2 + it) has been published in the Journal of Number Theory this month.
Early this year, Emma took part in ‘Voice of the Future’, which offers young researchers the unique opportunity to put their questions to politicians and policy makers. The event was organised by the Royal Society of Biology on behalf of a wider range of STEM organisations, including the Council for the Mathematical Sciences (CMS). The CMS was represented by Emma who put a question on quantum computing and whether the UK is quantum ready. A recording of the event is available on the Royal Society of Biology YouTube Channel at
We wish Emma every success in her future research.