70 Years of Percolation

22 Jul 2021, by ablahatherell in Sponsored events

70 Years of Percolation

24 – 28 July 2023

University of Cambridge, UK

A conference in honour of Geoffrey Grimmett’s 70th birthday

Percolation, introduced by Broadbent, Hammersley, and Morton almost 70 years ago, is a subject at the very centre of modern probability theory, whose influence spans from graph theory, to statistical physics, ergodic  theory, quantum field theory, PDEs with random coefficients, and  geometric group theory, to name only some areas. It has seen enormous activity and progress in the last decades, and its detailed understanding has enabled spectacular advances in a variety of  directions.

Along with the 70th anniversary of percolation, this conference celebrated the 70th birthday of Geoffrey Grimmett, who has made many fundamental contributions to the subject, and contributed greatly to its success. Indeed, his standard textbooks made the subject accessible and attractive for generations of researchers.

The conference brought together the world’s leading experts on the subject of percolation and its various connections, as well as many young researchers who were exposed to the main problems for the future. In particular, one of the goals of this conference was to foster the fruitful interaction of the various areas connected to percolation.


Roland Bauerschmidt (Cambridge)
Ander Holroyd (Bristol)
Ioan Manolescu (Fribourg, Switzerland)
James Norris (Cambridge)
Perla Sousi (Cambridge)

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Michael Aizenman (Princeton)
David Aldous (Berkeley)
Omer Angel (UBC)
Rob van den Berg (Amsterdam)
Jakob Björnberg (Gothenburg)
Barbara Dembin (Zurich)
Hugo Duminil-Copin (IHES, Geneva)
Alison Etheridge (Oxford)
Christina Goldschmidt (Oxford)
*Tony Guttmann (Melbourne)
Frank den Hollander (Leiden)
Mark Holmes (Melbourne)
Tom Hutchcroft (Caltech)
Svante Janson (Uppsala)

Jean-François Le Gall (Paris)
Zhongyang Li (Connecticut)
*Russ Lyons (Indiana)
Asaf Nachmias (Tel Aviv)
Chuck Newman (NYU)
Mikhail Menshikov (Durham)
Robin Pemantle (Penn)
Laurent Saloff-Coste (Cornell)
Stanislav Smirnov (Geneva)
Gordon Slade (UBC)
Jeff Steif (Chalmers)
Vincent Tassion (Zurich)
Béatrice de Tilière (Paris)
Cristina Toninelli (Paris)
Balint Toth (Bristol)
Stanislav Volkov (Lund)
Wendelin Werner (Cambridge)

*Via zoom

More information on the conference website