Sankaran at 60

22 Jul 2021, by ablahatherell in Sponsored events

21 April 2022 | 12:00 noon

COW (Cambridge, Oxford, Warwick) Seminar in Honour of Gregory Sankaran’s 60th Birthday

Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, UK

In celebration of the 60th birthday of Gregory Sankaran, we will be organising a special COW meeting. As many of you will know, Gregory was one of the founders of the Cambridge, Oxford, Warwick Seminar and was one of its two main organisers for the first 25 years of its existence, so this seems like a fitting way to mark the occasion.

The meeting is planned to take place in person at the Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, in April 2022. The meeting will begin with lunch at 12pm, with the first talk starting at 1pm. The final talk is expected to finish at 5pm and will be followed by a reception.

As a birthday celebration, we believe that it is important that this event take place in-person. Our current expectation is that such an event will be possible in the UK in April and that international guests will be able to attend, although it is likely that we will still have to abide by some social distancing regulations.


Alastair Craw (Bath)
Anne-Sophie Kaloghiros (Brunel)
Timothy Logvinenko (Cardiff)
Alan Thompson (Loughborough)


Klaus Hulek (Leibniz Universität Hannover)
Al Kasprzyk (Nottingham)
Claire Voisin (Collège de France)

More information on the event website