Heilbronn Small Grants Scheme

06 Sep 2021, by ablahatherell in News

The Heilbronn Institute welcomes proposals for small grants of up to £5,000 (accepting applications up to £10,000, or occasionally greater when a strong case is made) for projects supportive of UK mathematical research.

Grants under this scheme will be funded either through the UKRI/EPSRC ‘Additional Funding Programme for Mathematical Sciences’ (part of the £300M government investment announced in 2020) or by the Heilbronn Institute

The funding can be used to support any form of activity involving mathematical research, but the Heilbronn Institute particularly welcomes applications for, but not limited to, the following purposes:

º Partial or full support towards workshops, small conferences, symposia, colloquia, or seminars. 

º Travel and local expenses for visiting professors/academics, PhD students or speakers. 

º Support for collaborative research programmes or activities. 

º The education and training of students and young mathematicians. 

º Support for activity that is not eligible for funding from other sources or where funding is limited.   

Open to mathematicians based in the UK, we anticipate receiving proposals from mathematicians at all career stages, from PhD student to Professor.

The application process has been designed to be simple and we aim to offer a quick response to proposals, usually within a few weeks. More information can be found here.

Proposals should be sent to the Heilbronn Manager heilbronn-manager@bristol.ac.uk. For applications for £5,000 or less, no more than one page of A4 is needed, and two pages will suffice for most larger applications.

Please direct any questions or queries regarding your proposal, either prior to submission or following, to Eleanor Machin, Heilbronn Manager heilbronn-manager@bristol.ac.uk