Focused Research: Interaction Mechanisms in Monte Carlo

03 Oct 2021, by ablahatherell in Sponsored events

13 – 17 December 2021

Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Research, University of Bristol, UK

Interaction Mechanisms in Monte Carlo: Beyond Resampling

Organiser: Sam Power (Bristol)


Anastasia Borovykh (Warwick)
José Antonio Carrillo (Oxford)
Pierre del Moral (INRIA Bordeaux)
Anna Korba (ENSAE Paris)
Francesca Crucinio (Warwick)
Tony Lelièvre (ENPC Paris)
Theresa Lange (Bielefeld)
Nikolas Nuesken (Potsdam)
Christophe Andrieu (Bristol)
Anthony Lee (Bristol)
Andi Wang (Bristol)

Please note that this is an invite only Focused Research Workshop.