Physics from the Point of View of Geometry
09 Feb 2022, by Sponsored events in29 – 30 September 2022
Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, UK
Supported by The Heilbronn Institute Small Grants Scheme
A workshop on the intersection of physics and geometry (including topology) on the occasion of Graeme Segal’s 80th birthday.
Over the last three decades the community of mathematicians working in these areas has grown and become more compartmentalised. The purpose of the workshop is to survey recent advances and thus draw the community again together. The link with Graeme Segal will define the particular outlook and emphasis for the meeting as well as present the opportunity to attract some of the world experts.
Ulrike Tillmann (INI and Oxford)
Mike Hopkins (Harvard)
David Ben Zvi (Austin)
Dan Freed (Austin)
Mike Hopkins (Harvard)
Maxim Kontsevich (IHES)
Claudia Scheimbauer (TU Munich)
Constantin Teleman (Berkeley)
Ulrike Tillmann (INI, Oxford)
More information on the workshop website