Workshop on Affine and Overlapping Iterated Function Systems

21 Feb 2022, by ablahatherell in Sponsored events

10 – 12 May 2022

School of Mathematics, University of Bristol, UK

Supported by The Heilbronn Institute Small Grants Scheme

Fractal geometry is a relatively young field of mathematics that studies the fine scales of geometric structures as well as develops tools for their classification. One such tool are various notions of dimension, and indeed, much of fractal geometry deals with dimension theory.

The purpose of the workshop is to bring together the community of fractal geometers after the pandemic disruption. This meeting is one of the first of its kind in the UK after the lockdowns, and will give an important opportunity to update everyone on new developments in the field.

Thomas Jordan (Bristol)
Henna Koivusalo (Bristol)
Sascha Troscheit (Vienna)

Invited Participants:
Simon Baker (Birmingham)
Balázs Bárány (Budapest)
Karma Dajani (Utrecht)
Natalia Jurga (St Andrews)
Antti Käenmäki (Oulu)
Charlene Kalle (Leiden)
Tom Kempton (Manchester)
István Kolossváry (St Andrews)
Çağrı Sert (Zürich)
Mike Whittaker (Glasgow)
Han Yu (Cambridge)

More information on the workshop website