Focused Research: Medium-Range Integrable Spin Chains
09 Mar 2022, by Sponsored events in9 – 13 May 2022
Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, UK
Following recent developments in the theory of medium-range integrable spin chains, the aim of the workshop is to bring together experts in integrable spin chains to take this further. This includes looking to deepen our understanding of when a given spin chain is integrable, how we can classify them, and how any classification would fit with existing classifications of solutions of the Yang-Baxter equations.
Nick Jones (Oxford)
Bruno Bertini (Nottingham)
Paul Fendley (Oxford)
Nick Jones (Oxford)
Katja Klobas (Oxford)
Noah Linden (Bristol)
Yuan Miao (Galileo Galilei Institute, Florence)
Balázs Pozsgay (Eötvös, Budapest)
Eric Vernier(CNRS and LPSM, Paris)
Lenart Zadnik (Paris-Sud)