Focused Research: Completely Reducible Subalgebras of Lie Algebras

10 Mar 2022, by ablahatherell in Sponsored events

4 – 8 July 2022

University of Birmingham, UK

There is a history of excellent research in the theory of algebraic groups and Lie algebras in the UK, and this continued strength is evidenced by recent breakthroughs in Lie theory made in the UK. This focused research programme will lead to further breakthroughs, as well as opening the door to future goals that will continue to push the frontiers for years to come. The two principal directions of research in the theory Lie algebras are (1) to understand the subalgebra structure and (2) to understand the representation theory. These two directions are intimately linked with methods from each being critical in the development of the other. We will focus on the first direction and, in particular, reductive subalgebras in the Lie algebra g of a reductive algebraic group G over a field k of characteristic p >0.

This focused research programme will bring together a team of leading researchers with a diverse wealth of expertise.


Simon Goodwin (Birmingham)


David Cushing (Newcastle)
Vanthana Ganeshalingam (Warwick)
Simon Goodwin (Birmingham)
Rachel Pengelly (Birmingham)
Alexander Premet (Manchester)
David Stewart (Newcastle)
Adam Thomas (Warwick)