Focused Research: Testing Additive Structure: Littlewood Problem and Convexity

06 Jun 2022, by ablahatherell in Sponsored events

23 -28 May 2022

Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria


Oleksiy Klurman (Bristol)
Misha Rudnev (Bristol)


Peter Bradshaw (Bristol)
Brandon Hanson (Maine)
Alex Iosevich (Rochester)
Oleksiy Klurman (Bristol)
Samuel Mansfield (Bristol)
Akshat Mudgal (Oxford)
Jonathan Passant (Bristol)
Cosmin Pohoata (Yale)
Oliver Roche-Newton (Johannes Kepler, Linz)
Misha Rudnev (Bristol)
Audie Warren (Austrian Academy of Science, Linz)
Dmitrii Zhelezov (Austrian Academy of Science, Linz)

Participation is by invitation only.