Congratulations to Justin McInroy

08 Jul 2022, by ablahatherell in News

Congratulations to Justin McInroy, former Heilbronn Research Fellow, who has been offered a lectureship position at the University of Chester.

Justin is an algebraist with broad interests, particularly exploring the links between algebraic objects, such as groups or algebras, and geometric or combinatorial objects.  Before joining the Heilbronn Institute in 2013, Justin was a Teaching Fellow at the University of Leicester and a Lecturer in Pure Mathematics at Lincoln College, Oxford.  He was awarded an EPSRC Research Fellowship following his PhD under the supervision of Sergey Shpectorov in Birmingham.  Justin’s most recent paper is with Sergey Shpectorov, titled ‘Split spin factor algebras’ and published in the Journal of Algebra.

We wish Justin every success in his new position!