Congratulations to Sam Corson
02 Nov 2022, by News in
Congratulations to Sam Corson who has been offered a fellowship at the Universidad del País Vasco (UPV) in Spain, starting January 2023.
Sam joined the Heilbronn Institute in Bristol in October 2020 following two postdoctoral positions at ICMAT in Madrid and UPV/EHU. His research focuses on the interactions among group theory, topology, set theory, and logic. Recently he has been constructing exotic examples of groups, topological spaces, and set-theoretic universes. Sam obtained his PhD from Vanderbilt University in 2016 under the supervision of Mark Sapir. His recent paper ‘Jónsson groups of various cardinalities‘, has been published by the American Mathematical Society, the Proceeding of the American Mathematical Society (PROC) is devoted to research articles of the highest quality in all areas of pure and applied mathematics.
We wish Sam every success in his new position!