Algebra Workshop

03 Nov 2022, by ablahatherell in Sponsored events

3 – 4 April 2023

University of Bath, UK

Part of the British Mathematical Colloquium 2023

Supported by The Heilbronn Institute  Small Grants Scheme

A parallel Algebra workshop which will run during the BMC2023 and will highlight the great research being fostered by UK institutes, and encourage the algebra community to interact with other fields.

The BMC is the largest, conference in mathematics in the UK, covering all fields of research. Algebra is one of the key themes of the the Pure Mathematics section.


Lewis Topley (Bath)
Juan Villarreal (Bath)

Invited Speakers:

Martina Balagovic (Newcastle)
Chris Bowman (York)
Oleg Chalykh (Leeds)
Stéphane Launois (Kent)
Marta Mazzocco (Birmingham)
Sue Sierra (Edinburgh)
David Stewart (Newcastle)
Jay Taylor (Manchester)

More information on the workshop website