Congratulations to Sam Tickle

29 Nov 2022, by ablahatherell in News

Congratulations to Sam Tickle

Congratulations to Sam Tickle who has been offered a position at Squarepoint Capital starting in the new year.  Sam joined the Heilbronn Institute in Bristol as a Data Science Research Fellow in December 2019.  His areas of research concern changepoint detection, time series and multivariate inference. In particular, Sam is interested in streaming algorithms for such settings with sufficient statistical power to detect both sparse and dense features. Here, a sparse feature is one which affects a small subset of variates within the system, while a dense feature, by contrast, is one which affects most if not all of the variates within the system.  His paper which confronts this challenge in the offline setting was published last year in the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A.

Sam obtained his PhD from Lancaster University, supervised by Idris Eckley and Paul Fearnhead.  His thesis was entitled “Changepoint Detection for Data Intensive Settings” and focused on problems ranging from the change in the probability of a terrorist attack, to whether the time of year makes a difference to running speed. 

We all wish Sam every success in his new position!