Early Career Symposium for the Topology, Actions, and Symmetry

22 Feb 2023, by ablahatherell in Sponsored events

10 – 11 August 2023

University of Southampton, UK

Supported by the Heilbronn Institute Small Grants Scheme

A two-day conference for early career researchers working in topology and group theory. The conference will aim to bring together early career researchers in the fields of group theory and topology, with a view towards cross-applicability of ideas and techniques between the two.


Lawk Mineh (Southampton)


Torgeir Aambø (NTNU)
Shaked Bader (HUJI)
Guy Boyde (Southampton)
Will Cohen (Cambridge)
Gemma Crowe (Heriot Watt)
Max Gheorghiu (British Columbia)
Joseph MacManus (Oxford)
Thomas Read (Warwick)
Baylee Schutte (Aberdeen)
Stephen Theriault (Southampton)
Alina Vdovina (Newcastle)
Thomas Wasserman (Oxford)

More information on the symposium website