2022 Heilbronn Doctoral Partnership (HDP) Summer Workshop

27 Jul 2023, by ablahatherell in Events

6 July 2022 – 11 August 2022

Hosted by: Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Research (HIMR), Bristol, Isaac Newton Institute (INI), Cambridge and International Centre for Mathematical Sciences (ICMS), Edinburgh

The overall aim of the summer Workshop is to give HIMR sponsored PhD students a better understanding of how advanced mathematical research is carried out and applied in modern government and industry settings.

The Workshop was organised in a collaboration between the Heilbronn Institute, the Newton Institute, and ICMS. Each of the problem areas was led by problem champions from industry. After an initial 2-day July meeting held in Bristol, there was a period of online group working of approximately 4 weeks, followed by a closing in-person 2-day event at ICMS in Edinburgh. Projects at the Workshop were based around the topic of resilience, specifically of food chains and communicating drone swarms. This novel format appears to have been very successful, and the encouraging student feedback indicates a significant and popular benefit to the HDP students. 

Workshop Chair: Richard Pinch (FIMA – Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications).

Organiser:  Jane Leeks (Newton Gateway to Mathematics, Cambridge)

Speakers and Course Leaders:

Emma Bowley (DSTL)
Alexandra Brintrup (Cambridge)
Guven Demirel (QMUL)
Jack Foster (Cambridge)
Paul Kimber (DSTL)
Gopal Ramchurn (Southampton)
Mohammad Soorati (Southampton)

For more information please email the Heilbronn events team at  heilbronn-coordinator@bristol.ac.uk

Information on past and future Heilbronn HDP Summer Workshops is available here

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