BMC 2024: British Mathematical Colloquium

26 Sep 2023, by ablahatherell in Sponsored events

17 – 20 June 2024

Department of Mathematics, University of Manchester, UK

Supported by The Heilbronn Institute Small Grants Scheme

The programme will consist of six plenary talks, twelve morning talks in parallel sessions, a public lecture and seven workshops in Algebra, Logic, Number Theory, Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory, Geometry and Topology, Numerical Analysis, and Semigroups.


Charles Eaton (Manchester)
Gareth Jones (Manchester)
Omar León Sánchez (Manchester)
Donald Robertson (Manchester)

Plenary Speakers

Caucher Birkar (Tsinghua University, Beijing)
Hugo Duminil-Copin (IHES and Geneva)
Alan Edelman (MIT)
Tom Scanlon (Berkely)
Nina Snaith (Bristol)
Corinna Ulcigrai (Zurich)

Morning Speakers

Lara Alcock (Loughborough)
Jennifer Balakrishnan (Boston)
Tim Burness (Bristol)
Robert Gray (UEA)
Philipp Habegger (Basel)
Michael Magee (Durham)

Beatrice Pelloni (Herriot-Watt)
Kobi Peterzil (Haifa)
Carola Schonlieb (Cambridge)
Pablo Shmerkin (British Columbia)
Caroline Terry (Ohio State)
Matthew Tointon (Bristol)

More information on the conference website