Heilbronn Seminar by: Daniel Wise
19 Feb 2024, by Events inFriday 15 March 2024 at 13:00
[Lunch will be served at 12:00 in the Fry Building, Staff Common Room]
Venue: Lecture Theatre 2.41, Fry Building, School of Mathematics, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 1UG
Organised in collaboration with the School of Mathematics, University of Bristol, UK
A Small Contribution to the Kervaire Conjecture
Daniel Wise, Department of Mathematics & Statistics, McGill University, Montreal, Canada

I will give a quick survey of the known results and methods towards the Kervaire conjecture in combinatorial group theory. Then I will offer a small but pretty result that offers a new paradigm. This is joint work with Andy Ramirez-Côté.
Short Biography: Daniel Wise grew up in New York and received his BA from Yeshiva University and his PhD from Princeton (1996). After stimulating postdocs and visiting positions at Berkeley, Cornell, and Brandeis, he moved to McGill in 2001, where he is a James McGill Professor. His primary research agenda has been to explore and promulgate the utility and ubiquity of non-positively curved cubical geometry in group theory and topology. He has received an AMS Veblen Prize, the CRM-Fields-PIMS Prize, a Guggenheim Fellowship, a Lobachevsky Medal, and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of London. Daniel Wise is currently on Sabbatical at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel.
Professor Daniel Wise is also giving a Colloquium on Monday 11 March at 16:00 in Lecture Theatre 4, School of Chemistry.
For more information please email the Heilbronn events team at heilbronn-coordinator@bristol.ac.uk
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