Cambridge, Oxford and Warwick (COW) Seminar
04 Mar 2024, by Sponsored events in14 March 2024
University of Bath, UK
Supported by the Heilbronn Institute Small Grants Scheme
The COW seminar is an algebraic geometry seminar, so called because it originally met in Cambridge, Oxford or Warwick. The COW has since grown and meetings, of which there are several each term, are now held in locations across the United Kingdom. The next meeting of the COW will take place at the University of Bath.
Anne-Sophie Kaloghiros (Brunel)
Timothy Logvinenko (Cardiff)
Nicola Pagani (Liverpool)
Alan Thompson (Loughborough)
Gergely Bérczi (Aarhus)
Dominic Bunnett (TU Berlin)
Itay Glazer (Oxford)
More information on COW seminars website