Quanta Magazine Article on AI

21 Mar 2024, by ablahatherell in News

Quanta Magazine have published an article entitled ‘Elliptic Curve ‘Murmurations’ Found With AI Take Flight’, which explores the research being undertaken by mathematicians, including Thomas Oliver, a former Heilbronn Fellow, to fully explain unusual behaviours uncovered using machine learning.  

Tom’s research, together with Kyu-Hwan Lee and Yang-Hui He, into the use of machine learning to find mathematical patterns has led to unanticipated discoveries.   You can read the full article on the Quanta website.

The article also cites research by academics from the University of Bristol and the Heilbronn Institute: Jonathan Bober, Heilbronn Senior Research Fellow, Andrew Booker, Professor of Pure Mathematics, and Min Lee, Senior Lecturer, and their paper, Murmurations of modular forms in the weight aspect.

Congratulations to all researchers for this discovery!