Focused Research: Waist Inequalities, Thick Embeddings of Complexes and Applications to Coarse Geometry

28 Mar 2024, by ablahatherell in Sponsored events

14 – 16 August 2024

School of Mathematics, University of Birmingham, UK

The aim of the workshop is to bring together expertise in coarse geometry, quantitative topology, simplicial layout problems, and Riemannian symmetric spaces to prove new waist inequalities for larger classes of Riemannian symmetric spaces, either directly or via thick embeddings. This will provide new directions to tackle long-standing, difficult and important problems in the area: the geometric classification of symmetric spaces, nilpotent and solvable Lie groups.


David Hume (Birmingham)


Johannes Carmesin (Birmingham)
Ido Grayevsky (Ben Gurion)
David Hume (Birmingham)
Alice Kerr (Bristol)
Elia Portnoy (MIT)

By Invitation Only

Information on past Focused Research Workshops is available here

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