Congratulations to Katerina Santicola

10 Apr 2024, by ablahatherell in News

Congratulations to Katerina Santicola (Warwick), who has been awarded a Heilbronn Focused Research Grant worth 8K for her collaborative research workshop titled ‘Arithmetic of quartic del Pezzo surfaces via descent on genus 2 curves’.  

Katerina is a third year PhD student in number theory at the University of Warwick supervised by Samir Siksek.   She is fully funded by the ‘Heilbronn Doctoral Partnership Scheme’ and her research interest is in Diophantine equations, curves over number fields, and Brauer-Manin obstruction.

The Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Research funds a number of Focused Research grants to encourage mathematicians to work on adventurous and challenging mathematical problems, or to discuss a significant new developments in mathematics.  Katerina and her collaborators from Antwerp, Glasgow and Leiden will meet in Warwick later this year. The objective of the workshop is to develop a new method for studying rational points on degree 4 del Pezzo surfaces, capable of dealing uniformly with all possibilities for the Brauer group.

Many congratulations to Katerina and her research group!