Biracks, Biquandles and the Yang-Baxter Equation

11 Apr 2024, by ablahatherell in Sponsored events

15 – 16 April 2024

Mathematics and Statistics, University of Exeter, UK

Supported by the Heilbronn Institute Small Grants Scheme

This two-day conference will be the first of a number of related events happening throughout 2024, which collectively aim to engender collaboration between researchers who have arrived at solutions to the Yang-Baxter Equation (YBE) from diverse backgrounds (i.e. algebra, integrable systems, low dimensional topology / knot theory, and motion groups).


Ilaria Colazzo (Exeter)
Fiona Torzewska (Bristol)
Paul Truman (Keele)
Leandro Vendramin (VUB, Brussels)


Christina Anghel (Leeds)
Nigel Byott (Exeter)
Ilaria Colazzo (Exeter)
Andrew Darlington (Exeter)
Joao Faria-Martins (Leeds)
Thomas Letourmy (ULB, Brussels)
Isabel Martin-Lyon (Keele)
Silvia Properzi (VUB, Brussels)
Markus Szymik (Sheffield)
Fiona Torzewska (Bristol)
Senne Trappeniers (VUB, Brussels)
Paul Truman (Keele)
Leandro Vendramin (VUB, Brussels)