2024 Heilbronn Doctoral Partnership (HDP) Summer Workshop

30 Apr 2024, by ablahatherell in Events

23 – 25 July 2024

Hosted by: School of Mathematics, University of Bristol, UK

Venue: Fry Building, School of Mathematics, Woodland Road, Bristol BS8 1UG

The overall aim of the Summer Workshop is to give PhD students sponsored by the Heilbronn Institute a better understanding of how advanced mathematical research is carried out and applied in modern government and industry settings.

The workshop will comprise a mix of case studies, group exercises and student presentation sessions, and it is intended to feature several invited speakers from academia, industry and government agencies who use mathematics to investigate important real-world problems. It should give the students an informative and very different experience from their routine research activities, and an opportunity to develop transferable skills of value in their future careers

Organiser and Chair: 

Tom Murdoch (Bristol)


Catherine Hobbs (HIMR Chair)
Jon Keating (Oxford)
Tom Murdoch (Bristol)

Course Leaders:

Joanna Jordan (Mathematical Sciences Knowledge Exchange)
William Lee (Industrial Mathematics, Huddersfield)

For more information please email the Heilbronn events team at  heilbronn-coordinator@bristol.ac.uk

Information on past and future Heilbronn HDP Summer Workshops is available here

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