Congratulations to Jonathan Chapman

14 Jun 2024, by ablahatherell in News

Congratulations to Jonathan Chapman, Heilbronn Fellow, who has accepted a new position at the University of Warwick starting this autumn. Jon will be working as a postdoctoral Research Fellow with Joel Moreira as part of his ERC Starting grant “Dynamical Approaches to Number Theory and Additive Combinatorics“, funded by Horizon Europe.

Following his PhD from Manchester under the supervision of Sean Prendiville, Christopher Frei, and Donald Robertson, Jon joined the Heilbronn Institute and the School of Mathematics in Bristol in 2021. His research is in arithmetic Ramsey theory, which lies at an interface between number theory and combinatorics.

Jon’s paper with Sam Chow on Generalised Rado and Roth criteria has recently been accepted in Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Classe di Scienze. The techniques they developed are highly robust and are likely to be applicable to many other problems in arithmetic Ramsey theory.

Jon has recently been awarded a Heilbronn Focused Research Grant to fund a research workshop on a topic in additive combinatorics on the recent breakthroughs of Bloom and Sisask and Kelley and Meka on quantitative density bounds for progressions. The workshop was held in Bristol last month and brought together experts in additive combinatorics (Bloom, Chapman, Chow, Kelley, Sisask) to discuss these recent breakthroughs and investigate applications to other mathematical problems.

We wish Jon every success in his new position and future research!