XX Brunel-Bielefeld Workshop on Random Matrix Theory

01 Aug 2024, by ablahatherell in Sponsored events

13 – 14 December 2024

Brunel University London, UK

Supported by The Heilbronn Institute Small Grants Scheme

Random Matrix Theory Workshops bring together scientists from different disciplines (physics, mathematics, information science and statistics) who work in the field of Random Matrix Theory (RMT) and its applications. The main purpose of the workshop is to bring together junior researchers in the UK and an international group of leading researchers in RMT. It aims to focus on the most significant recent developments in active RMT research areas, including traditional ones in applied probability and number theory as well as novel interdisciplinary applications to complex networks, big data and machine learning.


Gernot Akemann (Bielefeld/Bristol)
Igor Krasovsky (Imperial College London)
Dmitry Savin (Brunel)
Igor Smolyarenko (Brunel)


Thomas Bothner (Bristol)
Giorgio Cipolloni (Princeton)
Alice Guionnet (Lyon)
Yan Fyodorov (King’s College)
Jon Keating (Oxford)
Arno Kuijlaars (Leuven)
Mylene Maida (Lille)
Anna Maltsev (QMUL)
*Pierre Le Doussal (Paris) – TBC
Leonid Pastur (King’s College)
Silvia Pappalardi (Cologne)
Zeev Rudnik (Tel Aviv)
Tatyana Shcherbina (Wisconsin-Madison)
Roland Speicher (Saarland)
Pierpaolo Vivo (King’s College)

More information on the workshop website

Scam Warning: We are aware of a number of current scams targeting speakers at the RMT 2024 conference in relation to registration or accommodation bookings. If you are approached by a third party asking for booking or payment details, please ignore. If you have any doubt about an email you receive please get in touch with the organisers.