One-Day Meeting in Combinatorics

13 Jan 2025, by ablahatherell in Sponsored events

11 June 2025

School of Mathematics, University of Bristol, UK

Supported by the Heilbronn Institute Small Grants Scheme

The Bristol One-Day Meeting in Combinatorics is an annual conference in Bristol with talks on a wide variety of topics within Combinatorics. Talks will cover recent developments in extremal and probabilistic combinatorics, additive combinatorics, structural graph theory and rigidity theory. The conference aims to be accessible to all and is free to attend.


Jesse Campion Loth (Bristol)
Sean Dewar (Bristol)
David Ellis (Bristol)
Tom Johnston (Bristol)
Jonathan Passant (Bristol)

Invited Speakers:

Carla Groenland (TU Delft)
Sophie Huczynska (St Andrews)
Tibor Jordán (ELTE, Budapest)
Joel Moreira (Warwick)

More information and registration on the conference website