Women in (Co)-Homology

13 Jan 2025, by ablahatherell in Sponsored events

2 – 3 April 2025

Loughborough University, UK

Supported by the Heilbronn Institute Small Grants Scheme

A conference in celebration of the 100 year anniversary of Emmy Noether’s profound observations on homology.

The conference will showcase outstanding mathematical research carried out by women researchers who utilize (co)homological tools in their work. It will provide an opportunity for early career women and nonbinary mathematicians to build a support network with established researchers. This will not only provide a platform for cross-disciplinary and cross-generational collaboration but also allow young (and possibly marginalized) researchers to make meaningful scientific connections.


Anja Meyer (Loughborough)
Baylee Schutte (Aberdeen)

Invited Speakers (* TBC)

Tamar Bar-On (Oxford)
Karin Erdmann (Oxford)
Clover May (NTNU/INI, Cambridge)
Anthea Monod (Imperial College London)
Brita Nucinkis (Royal Holloway, London)
*Sarah Whitehouse (Sheffield)

More information and registration on the conference website