Oxford Probability Workshop: Random Discrete Structures
30 Jan 2025, by Sponsored events in24 – 28 March 2025
Department of Statistics, University of Oxford, UK
Supported by the Heilbronn Institute Small Grants Scheme
The aim of this workshop is to showcase research related to random trees and graphs, and serve as a meeting place for junior researchers in probability theory. The target audience is mainly (but not limited to) PhD students and postdocs.
Julien Berestycki (Oxford)
David Geldbach (Oxford)
Christina Goldschmidt (Oxford)
Rivka Mitchell (Oxford)
Mini-Course Speakers:
Daniel Ahlberg (Stockholm)
Igor Kortchemski (ÉNS Paris)
Cécile Mailler (Bath)
Invited Speakers:
Gabriel Hernán Berzunza Ojeda (Liverpool)
Sam Olesker-Taylor (Warwick)
Gesine Reinert (Oxford)
Minmin Wang (Sussex)
More information on the workshop website