Carers Support for Invited Participants
The Heilbronn Institute is committed to identifying, addressing and removing barriers to individual participation in the Heilbronn organised events and other events sponsored by the Institute.
Funding is available to support invited participants with caring responsibilities. This applies to both childcare and care for vulnerable adults.
View the Institute’s Caring Policy & Guidance for Invited Participants in .pdf
Scope: The Heilbronn Institute offers financial support towards additional caring costs incurred by those invited to participate in Heilbronn organised events, collaborative research visits, board meetings or invited talks. This also applies to organisers of events and grant applicants who are applying for one of the Heilbronn funding opportunities.
Claim Limits:
o Claims for childcare and care for vulnerable adults are subject to a maximum claim of £150/day, per event/meeting.
o Claims for care, travel, accommodation and subsistence is limited to a maximum claim of £1.5K in total, per event/meeting.
o Requests in excess of £1.5K may be considered in exceptional circumstances, please contact the Heilbronn Manager to discuss further prior to submitting an application.
Who Can Apply for Caring Cost?
o Invited Heilbronn Speakers (e.g. those visiting the Institute to speak at a conference, workshop or seminar)
o Board Members.
o Participants in Heilbronn meetings and events, who are already being supported financially by the Institute via the Heilbronn grant schemes.
o Applicants can include caring costs within their grant applications for funding via a number of Heilbronn funding schemes as outlined in this link.
o Requests and claims can only be made by participants as a result of attending a Heilbronn organised or sponsored event.
o The financial support will cover costs outside of the claimant’s normal working routine.
o We will only reimburse for actual costs incurred and receipts must be submitted when claiming as per HMRC guidance.
o Care should be provided by a registered business.
[NB: The Heilbronn Institute does not endorse or specifically recommend childcare providers].
o Institutions and individuals will be reimbursed after the event/visit has taken place.
o In all cases, the expenditure must be approved in advance of the event.
o Travel: A contribution towards travel support for the child/children under the age of 16, and if necessary, for one carer.
[NB: Economy is the expected class of travel for all flights and travel within the UK standard is the expected class of travel for all rail journeys].
o Accommodation & Subsistence: A contribution towards accommodation for the child/children under the age of 16, and if necessary, for one carer.
[NB: Maximum accommodation rates per night of £250 for London hotels, £200 UK outside London, and maximum subsistence of £45 per day].
The above list is not exhaustive. Please do ask about other forms of assistance which could help remove barriers to individual participation.
How to Apply? Applications and requests for caring support must be made in advance of events or meetings. There are two schemes offering financial support:
o Financial support for those invited to attend a Heilbronn organised event/meeting taking place in Bristol, London or Manchester: Please email the Heilbronn Manager at any time prior to the event/meeting.
o Financial support for caring costs to be included within your grant application: Please include the additional caring costs in the outline budget within your grant application.
Your case for support must include the following:
o Purpose of travel and relevance.
o Justification for additional support for care and why it cannot be covered by alternative arrangements, in particular if requesting costs for a spouse/partner to accompany them.
o A full breakdown of the associated costs, to include travel expenses and accommodation, and childcare/care for vulnerable adults costs where applicable.
Decision Making Process: Applications will be reviewed by the Chair of the Heilbronn Institute. The Chair will make a decision on whether a contribution to the requested amount or the full requested amount will be made.
Contact details: Please contact Heilbronn Manager at <> if you would like to have a confidential discussion about how to apply for caring support.