Video Archive

This collection of recorded lectures contains stimulating talks given by leading mathematicians and distinguished speakers from around the world. They cover a broad range of mathematics, including algebra, combinatorics, data science, geometry, number theory, probability, and quantum information.

Heilbronn Distinguished Lecture Series 2024

James Maynard (Oxford): Classical Sieve Methods [abstract] [video]

James Maynard (Oxford): Primes and Sieves II: Prime Detecting Sieves [abstract] [video]

James Maynard (Oxford): Primes and Sieves III: Optimality of Prime Detecting Sieves [abstract] [video]

Petter Brändén (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden): Lorentzian Polynomials and Negative Dependence [abstract] [video]

Alessio Corti (Imperial): The Classification of Fano Varieties and Mirror Symmetry [abstract] [video]

Ivan Corwin (Columbia): Extreme Diffusion [abstract] [video]

Minhyong Kim (ICMS): Diophantine Equations in Two Variables and the Arithmetic Shapes of Solutions [abstract] [video]

James Newton (Oxford): Some Examples of Equidistribution in Number Theory [abstract] [video]

Françoise Tisseur (Manchester): Exploiting Tropical Algebra in Numerical Linear Algebra [abstract] [video]

Karen Vogtmann (Warwick): Moduli Spaces of Finite Metric Graphs [abstract] [video]

Tamar Ziegler (Hebrew): Sign Patterns of the Mobius Function [abstract] [video]

Ralf Metzler (Potsdam): Beyond Brownian Motion: Heterogeneity, Long-Range Correlations, and Ageing [abstract] [video]

JPK60 | A Celebration in Honour of Jon Keating’s 60th Birthday 2023

Louis-Pierre Arguin (CUNY): The Fyodorov-Hiary-Keating Conjectures [abstract] [video]

Emma Bailey (CUNY): On the Large Deviations of Selberg’s Central Limit Theorem [abstract] [video]

Michael Berry (Bristol): Four Geometrical-Optics Illusions [abstract] [video]

Brian Conrey (AIM): Averages of Characteristic Polynomials in Random Matrix Theory [abstract] [video]

Neil O’Connell (UCD): A Markov Chain on Reverse Plane Partitions  [abstract] [video]

Persi Diaconis (Stanford): Public Lecture on The Mathematics of Solitaire [abstract] [video]

Alexandra Florea (UC Irvine): Negative Moments of the Riemann Zeta-Function [abstract] [video]

Yan Fyodorov (KCL): Replica-Symmetry Breaking Transitions in the Large Deviations of the Ground-State of a Spherical Spin-Glass [abstract] [video]

Alice Guionnet (Lyon): Large Deviations for Large Random Matrices [abstract] [video]

Alexander Its (IUPUI): Toeplitz and Hankel Determinants, and Random Matrices. A Riemann-Hilbert Point of View [abstract] [video]

Jens Marklof (Bristol): Statistics of Directions [abstract] [video]

Zeev Rudnick (Tel Aviv): The Robin Eigenvalue Problem: Statistics and Arithmetic [abstract] [video]

Peter Sarnak (Princeton): Root Numbers and Murmurations [abstract] no recording [view presentation]

Nick Simm (Sussex): Character Expansion in Non-Hermitian Ensembles  [abstract] [video]

Kannan Soundararajan (Stanford): Central Limit Theorems for Random Multiplicative Functions [abstract] [video]

Heilbronn Annual Conference 2022

Viviane Baladi (LPSM, Paris): Statistical Properties of Dispersive Billiards [abstract] [video]

Jennifer Balakrishnan (Boston): Mordell’s Conjecture and the Last 100 Years [abstract]

Martin Bridson (Oxford): Aspects of Rigidity for Automorphism Groups of Free Groups [abstract] [video]

Toby Cubitt (UCL): A Mathematical Theory of Hamiltonian Simulation and Duality [abstract] [video]

Nicolas Curien (Paris-Sud Orsay): On the Cheeger Constant of Hyperbolic Surfaces [abstract] [video]

Laure Saint-Raymond (ENS-Lyon): Dynamical Correlations in a Hard Sphere Gas [abstract] [video]

Laura Schaposnik (Illinois, Chicago): Mirror Symmetry for Higgs Bundles, Generalized Hyperpolygons and More [abstract] [video]

Benny Sudakov (ETH, Zurich): Emergence of Regularity in Large Graphs [abstract] [video]

Heilbronn Annual Conference 2021

Caucher Birkar (Cambridge): Higher Dimensional Algebraic Geometry [abstract] [video]

Jon Brundan (Oregon): Braids, Ribbons and Webs in Representation Theory [abstract] [video]

Ana Caraiani (Imperial College): Reciprocity Laws and Torsion Classes [abstract] [video]

Heather Harrington (Oxford): Algebraic Systems Biology [abstract] [video]

Gil Kalai (HUJI): A World Without Quantum Computers [abstract] [video]

Peter Keevash (Oxford): Hypergraph Decompositions and their Applications [abstract] [video]

Tatiana Nagnibeda (Geneva): Spectra and Spectral Measures on Cayley Graphs of Finitely Generated Groups and their Actions [abstract] [video]

Jeremy Quastel (Toronto): Integrable Fluctuations in 1+1 Dimensional Random Growth [abstract] [video]

Heilbronn Colloquia 2021

Emmanuel Breuillard (Cambridge): Approximate Groups [abstract] [video]

Larry Guth (MIT): Local Smoothing for the Wave Equation [abstract] [video]

Imre Leader (Cambridge): Pursuit and Evasion [abstract] [video]

Kaisa Matomäki (Turku): On Primes and Other Interesting Sequences in Short Intervals [abstract] [video]

Heilbronn Distinguished Lecture Series 2021

Amie Wilkinson (Chicago): Symmetry and Asymmetry in Dynamics [abstract] [video]

Amie Wilkinson (Chicago): Asymmetrical Diffeomorphisms [video]

Amie Wilkinson (Chicago): Geometry, Symmetry and Rigidity [video]

Perspectives on the Riemann Hypothesis Conference 2018

Keith Ball (Warwick): Rational Approximations to Zeta Function [slides] [video]

Enrico Bombieri (IAS, Princeton): Pseudo-Laplacians: A Special Case [abstract] [video]

Andrew Booker (Bristol): L-functions [abstract] [video]

Alain Connes (IHES): The Riemann-Roch Strategy [abstract] [video]

Brian Conrey (AIM): L-functions and Random Matrix Theory [abstract] [video]

Alexandra Florea (Stanford): Moments of L-functions [abstract] [video]

Nick Katz (Princeton): RH in Characteristic p; the Importance of Family Values [abstract] [video]

Paul Garrett (Minnesota): Pseudo-Laplacians on Automorphic Forms [abstract] [video]

Samuel Patterson (Göttingen): The Context of Riemann’s Paper on the Distribution of Prime Numbers [abstract] [video]

Maksym Radziwill (McGill): Typical Behavior of L-functions [abstract] [video]

Peter Sarnak (Princeton): Commentary and Comparisons of some Approaches to GRH [slides] [video]

Will Sawin (ETH Zurich): More on Zeroes of L-functions over Function Fields [abstract] [video]

Christopher Skinner (Princeton): Zeros of L-functions and Ranks of Elliptic Curves [abstract] [video]

Kannan Soundararajan (Stanford): The Value Distribution of Zeta and L-functions [abstract] [video]

Terry Tao (UCLA): Bounding the de Bruijn-Newman Constant [abstract] [video]

Fernando Rodriguez Villegas (ICTP): Hypergeometric Motives [abstract] [video]

Wei Zhang (MIT): Positivity of L-functions and ‘Completion of Square’ [abstract] [video]

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